
By MoezaremiA

Meet Allegra

Today I was in a bad mood because I had to leave the boyf in Deutschland and I had only 2 hours sleep. I was in a bad mood because I tried to play around with the settings on my camera and failed miserably, then accidentally deleted the pictures I was going to up load for the last couple days. I was in a bad mood because I had to walk home with my suitcase in the rain. Oh, and I was hungry.

But then I finally got home, and this is what greeted me.

Meet Allegra.
As I got into the house, still dripping, she ran up to me, gave me a hug and shouted "I wanna bake with you now please!".

There are better photos than this one, but she looks like she is having so much fun rolling around on the floor :)

How could I still be in bad mood?

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