Roly's Life

By Roly


So we got up early and left on our epic journey just after 8. Very smooth to Ipswich with no real traffic issues to collect Eldest. We set off again at noon and again all was smooth until the M25 around towards the M40.

Google maps kicked in and sent us up the M40 a bit then cross country to the M4. After sitting in a queue for a bit with a blinding headache, I can off there and headed for the M3. The thought of queuing at the M4/M5 interchange then on the M5 was just too much.

A pit stop at Fleet services helped - the air con doesn’t work in the Espace so we were all hot and bothered. Then we set off again and apart from the 30 minute queue to admire Stonehenge, it was all plain sailing and we arrived home at 8.01!

My bestie from childhood and his family are here to stay for the weekend so we kicked the proceedings off with too much gin and some Brexit discussion. Very highbrow but we’ve got it out of the way now :-D

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