Scattered Polaroids

By sp

I was a couple of minutes late for work because we got stuck behind a steam train en route to Reading. How often is that a legit excuse?!

We overtook them going into the station, they all looked so smug and comfortable with their croissants and glasses of champagne. My £1.80 polystyrene cupped latte didn't really match up... although I did get a couple of free Quality Street with it, so maybe I shouldn't moan.

Work was supposedly 12-5 today, but a few people phoned in sick, so I ended up working til about 10.15 ohhh myyyy gosssshhh such a long day. Got home about 11.15, had a gingerbread man and drank about a litre and a half of water. I was thirsty.

This is my mandatory Christmas Bokeh Blip. Done and dusted for another year.

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