
By Ursonate17

Napoli. Day Two

Ma, he's making eyes at me...

The only way to cross the road safely in Naples is to fix each oncoming driver with your best death-wish stare as you walk a determined straight line to the other side...it works, try it wherever you are.

This morning we hit Via Pignasecca, a gloriously battered carnival of a market street responsible for feeding the faces of the Spanish Quarter for centuries.
Here everyday life is played out in a hazardous and haphazard fast forward frenzy. Caravaggio was inspired to paint this place, we will never forget it.

The afternoon we spent in the Archeology Museum and rather wished we hadn't.
The place is trying hard to pull it's socks up and does have a magnificent collection but falls into the common trap of being designed by and for people who know their subject too well - leaving us ignoramuses bemused and frustrated.
In many ways, observing the living theatre of Via Pignasecca tells more about Neapolitan culture, ancient and modern than any museum can.

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