My UCI Update Journal

By maxicute

Dashers Dashers

Probably no one remembers those insurance commercials but me.

Anyway, today was Mad Film Dash, the 24-Hour Film Competition held by the UCI Bookstore. And freak, it was so stressful. Fun, but stressful. More on the stressful side. I only slept like, 10 min. and that was by accident. Anyway, we're done and it's all good and I really like our film and I think it's funny and our farting joke is cool, darn it.

Yeah, I don't think I've fully recovered mentally yet.

This is a picture of restless teams editing their video at the ArtsTEC lab in the School of the Arts. What old and cruddy computers. Arrgh.

Also, I shot Family Day at the Beall Center for Art + Technology. It was so cool. There was a wizard, Blink the Math Monkey, latex casting, laser inscription, and arts and crafts. It was a cool experience.

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