Easter day out

We three took an Easter day out and the weather was stunning.

First we looked around Dunfermline Abbey. CyclopsJnr enjoys old ruins. He was very interested to learn that the skeleton of Robert the Bruce was buried there. He has a lot of questions about death.

Next, the main event, a boat trip on Loch Leven which left us on an island for a couple of hours. We had a picnic, and looked at the castle there, and explored a bit.


Then we swung by Glenrothes to look at a second hand bike. CyclopsJnr is doing fine on his bike, but he is getting on the big side for it. He is 10cm bigger than when he got it. No problem, there is much more choice of bikes for a five year old than there is for a 3.5 year old. So we had started looking at bigger ones and wanted to get one in the next size to be ready, and we saw this one was available. The bike was in good condition and CyclopsJnr liked it so we bought it. It has 20 inch wheels, and gears! He could ride it but it'll need practice and a couple of cm of growth to be comfortable. He'll keep the other one for transport for a bit longer. Perfect.

On the way home we stopped at Ravenscraig Castle and park.

Home. Tired!

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