The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


Well, it's about time I got into the festive spirit of Blipland. This cast of woolly characters make up the Knitivity. As well as beardy Joseph and Mary with the infant, we have the three beardy Wise Men bearing gifts, three beardy shepherds, three sheep and a donkey. And behind them overlooking the scene from outside is a visitor from the frozen north, Blipbear, a small polar bear making his first blip appearance in this journal since arriving in Arnside two weeks ago.

The woollies were knitted for a raffle to raise money at a coffee morning for StMary's Hospice in Ulverston. And from there they came home to us. The sheep and donkey were later additions, knitted for Wifie by a volunteer at the Hospice. At this time of year, the Knitivity occupies the deep window sill of our kitchen. Reflected in the glass are some of the lights of the Christmas tree.

We don't have the best studio set up here, so lighting is provided by some Christmas candles.

It's been a horrible day outside, and poor Wifie has been confined to bed with the man flu she contracted from me. And this is a first: she has been more unwell with it than I was.

ps Blipbear is passing through, probably staying with us until the New Year, then keen to continue his journey through Blipland. If you would like to entertain him for a week or two, please let me know.

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