Wednesday: Fairmont Seating

Back to work today after a lovely relaxing long weekend.

Today was very meeting heavy. I've had a bit of a chat with my new assistant about trying some coping mechanisms around my diary management so that things don't get too out of control. We're going to try and aim for no more than three meetings a day, with at least half an hour between them. It probably won't be able to be a hard and fast rule but we'll see how it goes.

Just as an aside, my colleagues around the country and I do find ourselves chatting fairly regularly about how to manage our time between external commitments and things that need to be done in the office. It's quite a juggling act sometimes.

One of my meetings today was at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. I've had my eye on these seating area for ages as I really like the juxtaposition of patterns so imagine my delight when I finally remembered to take a shot while it was empty........

K. and I are very much enjoying 'Downton Abbey' at the moment - when it was originally on we only got so as far as the end of series 1 so have been watching the rest. We now have grand plans to film our own version of the opening sequence, complete with feather duster.

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