Crown of thorns.

The forecast was for rain today so  therefor too wet for J to go out on  his motorbike. As he was taking the car, and I hadn't been to Cowbridge for ages, I decided to give the gym a miss. I started off with a walk through the Physic Garden, but it was in a bit of a mess, as they are having a move around of the flower beds, and some of the paths were blocked off. I then went into the Holy Cross church, which I always do,. and although   I have been inside many times, I  discovered a little corridor behind the organ. I got my camera out to take a photo of a small stained glass window, that I hadn't seen before, and didn't realize there was a step there.  I didn't fall down as such. but jarred my back. It gave me quite a fright, and I am ashamed to say I swore and then realized I was in the house of God, and apologized profusely.I hope he will forgive me. After all that, I needed a coffee so I went into the Bear Hotel and felt suitably revived afterwards.  I trawled around the shops but didn't buy anything, and as arranged went to Waitrose to do the food shop. I was almost finished when J appeared. I was disappointed to find they didn't have any newspapers, so I said to the lady  on the checkout, Why no newspapers today? She said that there had been an accident on the M4 and the lorry driver had got caught up in the major traffic jam. I didn't have any Easter eggs this year, not because J is mean, but because I insisted I didn't want any.  When I saw that they were greatly reduced , my will power let me down and I bought  two. Called in Lidl on the way back, so that's the food shopping sorted for another week.

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