The bubble

By Phini


Are very fragile things that controls your whole body.

Today I am grateful that although I have put my back out and been in the worst pain of my entire life - I am truly grateful that I know I will get better. It had made me realise the complete and utter fear and frustration that someone paralysed must go through.

If there was a fire I would not be able to escape. Taking a tablet or eating a banana the fear of choking is intense.

Going to the bathroom - lets not even go there - the indignity of it all.

I would like to thank the ambulance men for their gas n air n drug concoction at 2am. After thirteen hours stuck in the same position their man handling to get me up although I did not appreciate at the time was the best treatment they could provide. I am truly sorry for my horrendous language and possible ear drum damage from my decibel breaking screaming.

I have also discovered diazepam - I can see the addiction qualities of this wonder drug - anyone with fibromyalgia I strongly recommend a course. So out of something awful always comes a positive. If really has helped relieve my fibro symptoms. I will discuss with the dr when I'm well enough.

Well what an adventure - apparently I will be in bed for potentially 8 days and suffering for three months and longer.

I hope they will bring me Christmas dinner up to bed. I have not finished buying or wrapping all my Christmas presents. I have not done the Christmas food shop or butchers run. I have not finished the cleaning hoovering mopping. I have not made the guest beds up. I had such plans - an agenda for everyday.

Fortunately with it bring the season of good will my mother n sis in law are as I type doing my Christmas shopping - I cannot thank them enough. My husband will clean and do butchers run. My sis n brother in law will decorate my lovely tree which has been lying on gone floor for 3 days now still in its netting.

I am hoping to have a shower today when husband gets home. It will be heaven. I truly honk.

My Dales might be able to pick me a last minute pressies up on Saturday.

All is under control I can feel a little more relaxed now the cavalry is on its way.

A time for family togetherness. Although its not in my nature to be cared for - I am always the carer. I am going to accept graciously everyone's generous care and help. I am apparently not the best of patients. Clearly I have inherited my mothers genes of trying to micro manage everything

Before I did this stupid thing (yes world - bending down to pick up a sock can be very dangerous) I phoned the vets as puppy had a big lump. They operated yesterday - poor husband has taken n fetched him on top of all everything else he has had to do. I have not seem sweep since. It is very hard to know my old boy is downstairs needing me and I can't help. Sis is going to take piccies for me when she arrives. I hope he has a collar on so he does not infect by licking his stitches.

Christmas... No pressure !!!!!

Apologies for spelling - the tablets are making me quite blurry

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