Fritillaria imperialis x Japanese acer
A bit of a mixed day like my blip pic today ... messed about in the greenhouse as it's been a bit mizzy weather wise. Potted up some white hollyhock plants that I've grown from seed, but it was really chilly outside, so plumped for some indoor jobs. I could have blipped a pic of one of my Old English Sheepdogs as I had two originally. Wedding Belle Poppy, & Xmas Stocking Lucy. I had always wanted an O.E.S, I blame Dulux. Anyway, I was due to get married on the 20th December, living in Bristol at the time but home for the weekend in Devon to tie up some loose ends before THE day, browsing through the local Friday evening paper, & spotted an advertisement for O.E.S puppies for sale in Torquay. 'Hubby to be' rang the number arranging a visit on the Saturday, on his own .. I had stuff to do. When he returned I had butterflies .... & questions. What were they like? Did you like them? What did you think? .....
"I went and looked at the litter and decided which ever puppy came to me first, that would be the one" .............
"Two came to me, so .......... we've got two" "We have to pick them up on the 21st December as they want the pups to be homed before Xmas". Bang goes the honeymoon. I don't think we'd even thought about a honeymoon ..
Mum had a photo album of mine that was solely of Poppy & Lucy from young pups through to when both of them had a litter of pups. Wonderful memories of our lovely dogs, but the photo quality was'nt fantastic, so that was my first little job.
What else have I done today. Ah yes, listed some more wildlife entries found in Devon on Project Noah.
Dinner was an off the top of the head concoction. It worked so might even make it again.
Time for pudding ... poached rhubarb with vanilla ice cream. The rhubarb was a gift from an allotment plot neighbour. Fingers crossed I will have my own crop later.
Wishing you all a great weekend.
Thanks to Biker Bear ~ Annie for hosting
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