
By SueScape

Light in the Dark

Had my regular CT scan yesterday, in a huge vehicle as a change from the X-ray department. Crossing the hospital car park in pishing rain, puddles and potholes, trying to look elegant and keep up with the trotting handsome young man taking me there. I need not have bothered about the elegant bit, once the hospital gown is in place, it's impossible to look elegant.[ Oh no it isn't, look at the young woman in front of me, she'd look elegant in a bin bag. Boo, Hiss] In the two years attending various hospitals, I've yet to be given a gown that has all its ties intact, and its sooo difficult to clutch the opening when it's behind you. Oh yes it is!
Anyhow, I felt a bit like a Dame when he handed me courteously onto the x-ray bench. The procedure isn't long, but the fiddling with cannulas, cables and dyes is, and after drinking almost 2 litres of liquid in the 45 minutes prior to the scan, to light up my insides, I am getting ready for the loo, believe me. Once the handsome young man, aka My Prince Charming, has disappeared stage left - abracadbra - the scanner takes on a life of its own, shuffling me about on the hard board, and speaking to me in an American female voice. ' Breathe in',' hold', 'keep still', and 'breathe out' in the nick of time as I'm about to explode. On the second instruction to breathe the dye is automatically injected into my arm via the cannula, and suddenly I think I've wet myself. But oh no I haven't, it's only the effect of the dye reaching the nether regions, according to remembered instructions. Phew.
Two more breaths, then it's over, and Prince Charming reappears to release me from the cables. When it comes time to get off the bench, I can't move. My back has seized up. Oh no it hasn't. I can assure you oh yes it has! I'm almost expecting an evil cackling laugh from the woman inside the scanner. This is not a good combination, a full bladder and immobility. Without missing a beat, Prince Charming shows me how to hang on to him and in one gliding movement I am sitting up, in excruciating pain, but sitting up. The dressing cubicle, being in a corner of the van, has just room for me to stand upright, so I disrobe and dress with the door open. Prince Charming eases me into my size 7 sensible shoes - it is raining after all, can't expect high heels and glass slippers. My Principle Boy awaits with my carriage.

Today's highlight is the phone call from one of my grand nieces, aged 3, who was dressing up her granny, grandpa and the dog in dolls blankets. Since she couldn't reach me, she advised that I put a cushion on my own head. Thank goodness we weren't skyping and I could 'pretend' :-)

Happy Solstice everyone, the turning of the world towards Light.

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