No Spoilers

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

I didn't get to say goodbye to S. She slept in this morning and I had an early morning ticket to see "Avengers: Endgame". 

I wanted to see the film soon after the release date because SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. Mainly because I didn't want anyone to let it slip that SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS before I got to see the film.

But on the other hand, I didn't want to see the film on the day of release, because I reckoned it would be mobbed. And I thought Sunday morning would be nice and quiet. I mean, who goes to see a film at 10am?

Well, EVERYBODY, it turns out. There was a queue right out of the door.  The last time I saw anything like this was for "The Blair Witch Project" back in 1999. And just like then, the crowd was BUZZING with excitement. Fortunately, I had pre-booked my ticket, so breezed past all the frazzled parents, chasing toddlers about, and picked up my tickets from "The Black Sparrow" cinema bar (pictured). I got to my seat to find I was sitting next to an old person. Thank you, cinema gods.

The film itself was an absolute blast. The good thing about Marvel films is that you know you're in safe hands* but still the movie managed to surprise me just with the scale and audacity of it all. I loved it. 

The crowd experience probably helped. Kiwi movie audiences are very similar to UK ones on the whole, but I guess a little more effusive. Suffice to say that this crowd actually APPLAUDED three times during the film and there was a lot of crying too**.

Now I am home and still wondering what to make of it all. In some ways I'm a little sad that after 10 years of waiting for the extra little end bit, and wondering what comes next, now it is all over. Caro meanwhile, has been quizzing me, "Who dies?" she wanted to know.



* Apart from "Age of Ultron". Which was a bit shit.
** Not me though. I AM British, after all.

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