Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Mat lines

Today’s theme for the Pentax Forums Single in April challenge was “high angle”. The highest I could get (without venturing some way afield, which I didn't want to do - after the market, gardening (including planting the chillies, peas, onion, celery, mini cauliflowers, and fennel we bought at the market), cooking (and very eating) a risotto for lunch inspired by the mushrooms we got, and karate training, which took me just about up to dinner-cooking time) was on the deck.

This is shot angling down to my training area, and the coloured lines left behind after I remove my mats. It doesn't seem to be permanent (whew...) but it's been stronger/more obvious the last few times.

Brickr; Flickr./url]

Tak bae 135/2.5 @ f4
Pentax K-30

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