Capital adventures

By marchmont


A day of doing the things I'd planned, and avoiding the things I'd planned.

Caught up with Y and organised a day in the West, tidied the study/back room and finally put away the things I'd brought back from work, 3 months ago, started to the tidy the books in the intermezzo and found, ta da, the historic picture I'd been seeking for ayear. That led to a major digression as I had to scan photos and send a long email to France.

By the time it was finished it was time to go out, in the rain, for a rearranged dinner, secund time I've been bumped from Sylvester's but Blonde was a good substitute. It was still raining.

The photo was taken in April or early May 1917 during the Battle of Arras. An enterprising photographer, M Ruff, set up an outdoor studio outside a shelled chapel and took photos of the allied troops. My grandfather is back row right. He won the MM at the Battle of Arras. I've sent the photo and all the info to the Memories of the Battle of Arras project at Carriere Wellington, well worth a visit if you're in the area.

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