
I was still a bit discombobulated by the Monday holiday, and totally forgot that a colleague and I were going out for breakfast with our boss, as it was her last day :- (.  She chose the venue.  Breakfast was very nice and it was a real pity that we had to go back to work.   I did manage to get out over lunchtime though which was good.  

I had no idea what day it was and thought it was Tuesday, when I normally work a long day.  Around 5.30pm a colleague asked me if I was working late.  I replied that I was as it was Tuesday.  Of course it wasn’t, it was Wednesday, when I need to get home for BB.  I ended up getting a later train than normal!  Once home, I fed BB and cooked a curry with some leftover chicken, then wandered down to the supermarket for a  couple of things in the fog.

No blips today, so here is an anemone from my vase of anemones.


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