Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Nine Years and Counting!

It seems fitting that today, after nine years of enjoying friendships on here from around the world, my day included contact with different nationalities. Our lovely Danish guests left early this morning, for the airport. We then received an invitation for lunch from our closest and oldest Spanish friend, Mila, and her Catalan husband Josep, for next Sunday. I did a couple of hours of Aptis online testing, listening to test-takers from around the world from China, India, Japan, Holland, Saudi, Egypt, Colombia and Spain to name just a few. Bb had a catch up call with my mum-in-law from Largs. Hello Jean if you read this! I was off-and-on all morning on a text chat with two very good friends from New Zealand and Australia. Lastly, at a new place for lunch for us at Casa Carmen on Diagonal, our lovely waiter was Brazilian and we chatted about Rio.

Whether you’re from just round the corner or from another continent; whether we pop into each other's journals all the time or just now and then, or we’re lucky enough to have met in person, a huge thank you to each and every one of you for being here! Of course, if you're the blipper sitting on the other side of my table right now, a very special thank you!

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