
By Hillyblips

Great Tit

Straight to the feeder this morning - both of us!

My great tits are a bit on the shy side and yet we know them better than the other birds here as we have a nest cam on the pear tree where they tend to breed every 2 years. 'Great' in that they are good for the garden as it's estimated a pair can eat 7000/8000 caterpillars in 3 weeks when they feed their brood!!! I now have mixed feelings about this in that I have found that I like taking photos of caterpillars!! :)

They are a bit skittish so fly in, take a quick look around and fly out, so if you mess around you will not get them easily. This one decided it was going to be a bit choosey and invariably rejected 2 before deciding on one on the main menu that met his demands! Here we have plump sunflower seed biting the dust well lawn anyway much to the delight of the robin and dunnocks of which we have numerous! Those on the bottom feeder platforms invariably get showered in bits of nut and seed - good to get the top bunk so to speak!

Out partying tonight - makes a change from shopping and blipping this week!! Enjoy your weekends! Happy blipping!

Oh dear - having re-read this perhaps I should re-write it too!

Looks better in LARGE!

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