Committee Room Number 1

Founded in August 2010 by Ross McCulloch of Third Sector Lab, Be Good Be Social brings together third sector professionals interested in social media for social good. The events are a chance to learn, debate and connect with others working for non-profits, charities and social enterprises. Unlike traditional conferences Be Good Be Social combines networking, inspirational talks, practical workshops and, importantly, the chance to collaborate in a relaxed, friendly environment. You'll hear real-life case studies, ground breaking new ideas and hands-on solutions.

I have been the official photographer for four of the events which alternate between Glasgow and Edinburgh. This meeting was held in Edinburgh and at short notice were fortunate enough to be allowed to use one of the committee rooms of the Scottish Parliament. Much aligned at the time of building, I do think the architecture is quite fascinating. Before the event started I sat back and thought of all the important decisions that had been made in this room, and then quickly remembered this was the Scottish Parliament and the answer was probably none!

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