One moment, on one day

Two years ago I decided I wanted to celebrate 5 years of blipping at Lindisfarne Priory on Holy Island. I had in mind, although it is very unusual for me to have a picture in mind, a conventional picture postcard view of the priory ruins - stones, history, wonder etc. It was not to be, everything went wrong - the light, the people, the activity - hopeless. So I ended up with a picture of the drama that was being enacted. Not what I had planned, but it certainly reflected what I remember best of that day. 

This is a long way of saying that my blips are always focused on experience, events, a story; they tell of that particular day. And very often they are not the best photo, but the one that says the most about one moment, on one day. Today this picture did reflect the day - we had blue skies, beautiful weather, and we managed to be there during an unsafe crossing period, so it was very quiet. It was wonderful to be able to wander the ruins of this once beautiful building and reflect on its past and the people to whom it meant so much. 

Seven years is a long time. A blip every day, virtually all posted on the day - I’m amazed to think of it. And then to have made so many friends, made so many links. I don’t think I need to say more, except what I usually say - I’m still here and I’m so glad you all still here too. 

The caption for the extra photo is - Can you now see what I have to put up with. 

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