A Convention of Ferns

Ferns at this stage of new growth look to me (and I haven’t touched a drop of the hard stuff) like a convention of rulers in robes from a distant galaxy or even the garden version of meerkats. In a day or two they will have unrolled what appear to me as bowed heads and become ordinary looking ferns.

I had another extra sensory experience today when a friend whom I haven’t seen since His Lordship’s funeral phoned me out of the blue not long after I had thought of phoning her to see if she were still in Edinburgh and not off to her house in France for the summer.
These telepathic events of the last 2 days are beginning to unnerve me. When is a coincidence exactly that and not some form of unconscious brain waves on a spectrum we know nothing about. Discuss.

Having looked out on a cheerless world with a nippy NE wind for most of the day, the sun has now appeared, the sky is blue and the hardy students have taken to the grass. I am going for a ‘turn round ‘the Meadows as my father might have said and get a teaspoonful of vitamin D into my bones.

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