A Wonderful Present

This rather small gadget has already made my life easier . I went to a shop and asked if they had such . Previous attempts had drawn a blank .The assistant went to look and came back with this .Just what I wanted . 
Price ?  Nothing it was a gift from the shop to me .Not only does it make my movement easier ( all be it in a strange way ) ,it's  another report on the kindness of many . Won't say what it is for now .At midnight but I think some will guess ...Thanks to Tryfan46 for hosting Mono Monday -
# in the extra  you see it  .Using a walking stick can be  a pain .I drop it .on Ubahn train etc & if flying they put in over head locker -This allows me to fold stiick , slide on the present  which holds it together and place in my bag ... I feel human !  Plus less of a nuisance  Moving  minus  a stick on a good day safe in knowledge  it's  there should knee + spine feel bad or give way . All movement minus is better than with & my constant aim ...Had tried using rubber bands , all sorts but this is custom made . Little things do mean a lot as does moving ......Something it's easy to take for granted ..until you are losing it  rapidly .....

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