Esgeulustod siriol

Esgeulustod siriol ~ Cheerful neglect

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Weithiau mae geiriau 'negyddol' yn gallu bod yn 'cadarnhaol'. Pan rydyn ni'n 'esgeuluso' y byd naturiol rydyn ni'n gadael e i ddilyn ei ffordd ei hun, ac yn arferol mae'n hardd. Does dim angen i wneud unrhywbeth pan mae coeden yn cwympo.  Mae'n rhoi maeth i ffwng a lloches i blanhigion eraill. Weithiau mae'n dda i adael pethau ar eu pennau eu hunain.

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Sometimes 'negative' words can be 'positive'. When we 'neglect' the natural world we leave it to follow its own way, and it's usually beautiful. There is no need to do anything when a tree falls. It gives nourishment to fungus and shelter to other plants. Sometimes it's good to leave things alone.

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