
By ConstablePie

£500k view

This morning I was out looking at some of our new developments and was on the Isle of Dogs. It’s in the East End and is called an island as it’s bounded on 3 sides be one of the larger meanders of the Thames. This was news to me. I’ve heard of it because it’s part of the London Marathon course.
The new housing development that I was looking at was really nice and has replaced very old council stock. Most of the residents have moved back into the new flats and seem happy but there’s also been plenty of shared ownership and outright sale homes added. It’s a big site and won’t be fully finished for another 3 years as each old block is demolished and another bigger and more modern one is built in its place.
The density of housing in some areas is incredible and lots like Canary Wharf have the commercial shops and leisure facilities built into them too but you can’t always see them from the street.
Will we become like ants spending most of our time inside or underground and only seen in rush hours?

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