Waffle of the Week

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess Normal,

It really has been the waffle of the week. I got in to work this morning and Lemon waved a finger at me. 

"But what about CAPTAIN AMERICA??" she blurted. Then continued on with a whole bunch howdidhe-howcouldhe-butdoesthatmean questions.

"I'm not a nerd," she said defensively. Without my ever accusing her of such a thing.

In other ways too, this was a very nice day. I really enjoyed it. I may complain about Smock, but today we all had fun together and I came home in a good mood. Now we are watching "Queer Eye" and "Philomena Cunk" and "American Horror Story" and it's all good.

Do I just set the bar low, or do little things make me happy?


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