Almost Done

A bit of sun later in the afternoon.  A section of the day I spent helping AW with the floors in the blockhut.  I generally don't mind helping AW.  It is just that I get dizzy and sick when I have to bend my head all the time, so every time we took a break I had to sit down and almost nap the feeling away.  We got 3/4 done, and then I had to stop because he had to reposition some of the planks and insert a couple of narrow strips.

Went back to my genealogy.  I would like to think there's no rush there, but I do want to get it done by the time I retire.  That means 5.5 more years, but I think I'll need at least one whole year to index the entire work, and from experience I know that that won't be the easiest thing to do, especially as I'll be proofreading at the same time.  We're talking about some 700 pages at this point.

I don't think I'll drive north with this weather, or west or south either.  Way too unpredictable.

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