Pennod newydd - Profedigaeth strwythurol

Pennod newydd - Profedigaeth strwythurol ~ A new chapter - Structural bereavement

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"One day, quite some time ago, I happened on a photograph of Napoleon’s youngest brother, Jerome, taken in 1852. And I realized then, with an amazement I have not been able to lessen since: "I am looking at eyes that looked at the Emperor."
-- Roland Barthes, ‘Camera Lucida', p3

"I read the news today, oh boy"
-- Lennon / McCartney, 'A day in the life'

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"Darllenais i'r newyddion heddiw, o boi."

Rydw i wedi bod yn llwyddiannus gyda fi nghais am Ddiswyddo Gwirfoddol ac mae'r Brifysgol eisiau i mi adael ar 31ain o Fai. Mae'n dipyn o sioc. Mae bron ugain o flynyddoedd yma yn rhuthro i ddiwedd.

Roedd y teimlad tipyn bach fel profedigaeth - rhywbeth yn dod i ben. I fi mae'n ddiwedd o'r strwythur bod y swydd yn dod â fy mywyd.. Rydw i'n gallu deall pam rhai o bobol yn chwilio am swydd arall ar ôl eu hymddiswyddo. Strwythur. Rhywbeth i wneud.

Yn ffodus mae llawer o bethau i mi i wneud ar ôl 31ain o Fai ac rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at y bennod newydd.

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"I read the news today, oh boy".

I have been successful in applying for Voluntary Redundancy and the University wants me to leave on 31st May. It's a bit of a shock. Almost twenty years here rushing to an end.

The feeling was a bit like a bereavement - something coming to an end. For me it is the end of the structure that the job brings my life. I can understand why some people look for another job after their retirement. Structure. Something to do.

Fortunately there are lots of things for me to do after the 31st of May and I'm looking forward to the new chapter.

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