Windows into my Life

By Tessa

A red Robber Fly?

Not the best of pictures but it was either this or another photo of my Maine coon kitten. The man and I have been hard at work today getting our section Doggy proof. There are 2 main areas where the dogs can get out so we decided to "slap up a fence" So easily said but the reality is Im exhausted and my back is shot and the man is still outside trying to get the posts concreted in so we can start getting the pailings on tomorrow. With 5 house guests arriving on Monday we were really hoping to have to done by tomorrow.
I spent my time removing what seemed like wheel barrow after wheel barrow of that nasty wandering Jew! The flower I was so admiring yesterday and blipped, has become my arch nemesis. I also found a nasty wooly nightshade plant but its on the border of our property so not sure if the neighbors will mind if I get rid of it.. Horrid plants, I could smell it all around me when I was hacking at the wandering Jew. So again we will be up at the crack of dawn getting it all done. No doubt we will sleep like the dead tonight!

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