
A funny old day today. We found out this morning that a little boy in my class was leaving- today! It doesn't happen like this very often, but when it does, it comes with sadness as you expect when you don't have the time to do the 'right' ending. 

Although nobody really knew whether he was going for real or not, we ran around and made a card for him. When I had to tell the children after lunch that S was leaving, I watched as one little boy's eyes filled with tears and slowly trickled down his cheeks. He is absolutely gutted, and spent the whole afternoon completely off his game and very tearful. He's lost his best friend suddenly, and he would really have benefited from a few weeks to get used to the idea. 

We've given him and all of them TLC over the past couple of days, but it's hard as it feels that there's a puzzle piece missing, 29 instead of 30. I should explain that the little boy had Type 1 Diabetes, and had obviously received a lot of support form the school, so we wonder how easily it will be for him to just slot in to another school. I took his blood and gave him his insulin injections a few times a week. I was a bit nervous, but it quickly became a routine as we built a good relationship and in the end I could do it with my eyes closed! 

I shall really miss him. I supressed my feelings most of the day, but just before I went to bed I felt quite sad and annoyed, knowing how it had upset him and all his friends today.

I had college in the evening and I was so knackered I just wanted to go home. I don't particularly like the tutor, but we've only got about 9 weeks to go.

The picture is of the little guide we were given last week so that we could change the injection sites from his shoulders/thighs as they were calloused, to his tummy. He was very good, and it was a good way to help him be involved by holding the teddy bear under his belly button ;-) 

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