
By picklepeter


Thought I'd share something with you that has literally had me giggling out loud all week. It may just be something that really appeals to my peurile sense of humour but I challenge anyone from Scotland not to think that this is hilarious!

Some bright spark from a popular brand of breakfast cereal's marketing team came up with a promotional campaign featuring a range of cartoon moustaches. One of the characters depicted by the mosutaches was seemingly called 'Big Baws'. Anyone residing in the west of Scotland will know that this has very different connotations when used in local slang - I won't spell it out, suffice to say that it's a bit naughty but very funny!

The Daily Record reported parents' fury at the blunder: "...when my six-year-old started chirping on about Big Baws the other morning I nearly fell off my seat. When I found out it was this character on the breakfast cereal box, I was very surprised. It's not appropriate for something which is so clearly aimed at children. But it is funny."

Ha ha - this made my week!!

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