Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Rescue Inspector

Conscience tearing morning. One of the Donegal boys (cats) caught a Dunnock this morning. I had scattered the mealworms that probably lured it out of the bushes and let its guard down.
He brought it into the kitchen and after much scrabbling around I managed to get it off him. Although he didn't seem injured apart from several lost feathers, it is vital that all birds caught by cats receive antibiotics as the bacteria in cats' mouths can cause life-threatening infections.
Fortunately I live close to the new SSPCA wildlife rescue centre, so wee birdie safely placed in a cat food carton (irony of ironies), I drove off through the deluge, with Mr Dunnock protesting and rustling around in his prison.
Safely delivered, I spoke to the friendly wildlife rescue officer outside and asked her to pose for today's blip, she suggested the shot with the sign and agreed to pose beside it.
I don't think the rain will stop today, so the society that looks after animal casualties is my blip for the day. True friends to animals.
In a week when they announced that they will not re-home any puppies or kittens till January to prevent the 'dogs are not just for Christmas' scenario and that they expect an influx of young dogs who have outgrown their new Christmas owners in the spring, the work of these animal charities needs our support. I took my cheque book with me.

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