Hello Mr lion!
This morning Auntie Nicola came to visit, with some flowers for Mummy and some cuddles for me. I started the day very chilled and happy and then turned into a bit of a grump!
Auntie nics dropped mummy and me off at grandma's house because Lisa was coming to cut mummy and grandmas hair.
It was very strange being at grandma's house without poppy there.
Grandma and Grandad both tutted at my dummy, but it's working to help me settle enough to keep my hernia as small as possible, so for now it's staying!
I was a very good girl this afternoon and lay happily chatting to Mr lion on my play mat.
This evening after tea we've had a film night and watched Hotel Transylvania 3 (Thomas's choice). I fed through most of it, and then sat on Thomas's knee having some cuddles and enjoying the music.
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