Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Smile And The World Smiles With You.....?

Or laughs at you in my case. I enjoyed nice cool run along the canal this evening. Nice not having to regularly stop for traffic etc, but a mother duck did come close to biting my head off as her chicks were trying to cross the towpath at one point! I did 10.5 miles in just under an hour and a half. A bit stiff afterwards, but feeling good. The new ISO Energy drink was an absolute godsend... takes me back to my cycling days. I added a half mile walk shortly after as a warm down (or training for the return journey to the car on the day of the Chester Half Marathon).
A two day rest now. Parkrun on Saturday.....

Sorry, not pics of the lovely canal as it would've meant stopping hence lowering my average pace.

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