The listening station

There's something very arbitrary about naming new ventures. I mean, much as I love all of my kids' names, every time we named them, I kind of felt I was imposing on them: "This is what you're called from now on". It was the same with my business - named in reference to Greenwich Meantime - and then again with my radio show. 

I always remember having my friend Damian on as a guest. I mentioned the name of the show as we were recording (effectively on air) and he laughed and said "Is that what it's called? That's a terrible name!". 

I bought myself a bottle of wine, this evening, based, as usual, on the name and label, and for a short while I thought "Hm, The Listening Station, that would have been a good name for the show." but then, a little later, I thought "No, It's Electronic Ears, and that's exactly right."

No scales
Reading: 'How Art Made Pop And Pop Became Art' by Mike Roberts 

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