Hedge trimmer for hire
The grass is always greener, & lusher in the hedge on this occasion. Not much grass on the fields where these horses are kept at the mo.
Cassie & I headed down into the sheltered valley of Muddy Bottom for our morning walk as the wind was really chilly. I put on an extra layer before we headed off, & so pleased I did. A nice steady walk, just the two of us, we spent two hours walking the bridle paths and country lanes. Perfect!
Cassiesmum & Jorgiesdad are heading back from their trip to the Lake District today so I packed all my stuff into the car this afternoon. I always seem to travel with so much. I've only be staying a week but wellie boots, walking boots, waterproofs .. got to be prepared for all weathers. My little Aygo fits the bill perfectly. Bill, a neighbour had offered me some cucumber plants, well I think they are cucumber plants, he'd left them on the garden wall, so squeezed them in the car as well. Now all I have to do is squeeze them into my greenhouse. I've not grown cues before, so another horticultural challenge for 2019.
Back home, unpacked the car, sorted dinner. Baked salmon, scrummy English asparagus, new potatoes with fresh dill & butter. Easy meal tonight.
Hubby's driving a friend to Heathrow tomorrow so I shall probably spend a few hours on the allotment. I need to start planning where everything is going to go, some serious juggling will be required I think, plus I need to coppice some more bean sticks. I love coppicing, it's very satisfying. I could go to a garden centre and buy bamboo canes but where's the fun in that.
Thanks to Admirer for hosting
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