and through the wire...

By hesscat

Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants

After an early morning trip to Portrush for brunch, we did the 4 mile walk to the Giant's Causeway from our abode in the afternoon. It was sunny all day and hot when sheltered from the wind, otherwise a bit chilly, but fine. It's quite stunning scenery here, lovely beaches, ragged cliffs and the Giants were quite amazing to see up close and now I am googling them. 

40,000 interlocking basalt columns formed by molten lava pushing up through  chalk beds... but I still don't quite understand the shapes and sizes, will need to watch a video, but they are like hexagon columns all different heights similar to steps. A bit like that kids toy where you put loads of pins against your face and on the other side of the pins is the shape of your face... now I am stuck wondering what those toys are called...

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