Another one from yesterday

yesterday started good but ended not so well.....
As I was walking to the venue my right knee suddenly gave way stopping me in my tracks...I was convinced I had done something bad but hobbled on and got in position for my photographs. Two hours later I tried to stand but realised that I couldn't put my foot to the floor. The pain was considerable and I couldn't get to the car without R one side & N the other....C managed to drive down a narrow path where somehow they managed to get me in and C took me to A&E - the pain had got worse & getting out of the car made me scream ! Not too busy at A&E and they soon got me some morphine to kill the pain - i was there several hours before the conclusion was reached that it was a just a BLEED.

We went home I had the injection and more morphine and it started to get better almost immediately. Today the knee is very swollen so second injection is just about to take place. Fortunately for me the pain has lessened considerably but I have stayed in bed most of the day.

Thanks for all your kind words again re Alice's party picture yesterday. My favourite shot of her is here on  the left. Having just processed 200 + pictures ...

Cold day

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