

Last cup of coffee / caffeine break

Time by time it' s not so bad to quit the coffee for a while.

Why not?

I have already drunk my two cups today. First 8AM morning's eye-opener was about a cup of Peruvian arabica (brewed in moka pot). The second shot 11AM was freshly grounded Javanese arabica (french press).

Now I' m done. Feeling a bit sleepy and tired around 9pm in the evening. Almost ready to sleeep.

Yes, the reason why I' m trying to quit coffee for a while is a more healthy sleep. It' s like test while I'm still reading "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker ;-)

So I wish you great day off tomorrow if you are going to enjoy Bank Holiday (with coffee or not). If you are working tomorrow like me : "have a smooth and easy-going day at work".


Non-smoking : 13 days

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