On Top of the World

This is the view from the top of the Queen Anne car park where we parked this afternoon. They were holding the Street Child Cricket World Cup on Parker’s Piece and we knew that the Pull Me Cherie food van was going to be there which we have booked for Hendstock. Pops came with us and we went and introduced ourselves to Franck, the owner and tried a pulled beef and pulled duck dog each. The food was fabulous, filling and very messy!

We got home, dropped poppy off then D and I wandered up to The Brewery who were open as it’s a bank holiday and we felt bad as we haven’t been up there all weekend. It was very quiet but it gave us an opportunity to sit and have a few beers and a chat with owners Paul and Chris.
Home to cook dinner ( and I made a crumble with rhubarb from Bills garden). Pops has got a friend over for a sleepover and Alf has just gone out to meet a friend in the village. D and I are going to watch The Favourite.

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