Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Open wide!

Neil sent me this picture this morning just before I finished work and it really made me laugh out loud! I had another busy night but no one died for a change (I'm not the next Shipman, but the survival rate for out of hospital cardiac arrests is abysmal).

Henry has been on very good form today with lots of laughter (he's started doing the fake laugh again too!), lots of talking (new word:purple) and lots of mess! He loves pulling drawers out, tipping the contents on the floor then sitting in them. He's also eaten well and had much less milk, hopefully this will continue because I was starting to worry that all he ate was yogurt and breadsticks.

I have 13 days off work and I'm really looking forward to spending time with family, sleeping and having fun with Henry. Hopefully my appetite will return too and I'll be able to enjoy the food too.

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