A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

A Tale of Two Cities

Today it's rained.
Even more than on other days.
This was taken during an unexpected lull in the bad weather.
It's since returned.

The photo is a long exposure of Rochdale Canal heading onwards and north past Failsworth where I took this.

Weather like this around here sometimes reminds me of this song by The Beautiful South (that I've linked to a while back): Manchester.
Some might think it's not very complimentary about Manchester; I see differently.

The Beautiful South are one of my favourite bands; they dress up clever song lyrics with pretty tunes that sound like they're typical pop music.

This song, Rotterdam is just that - clever lyrics wrapped in a pretty tune.

I never though the lyrics to Rotterdam meant much at all; but a few listens showed how it's basically a cynical sigh at the way so many people look the same.

And don't even get me started on the lyrics to Perfect 10.....

(Just a few days to go now! And then we will all wonder - yet again - what the fuss was all about.)


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