Sunday of the wolf

This cold weather brought by a mass of polar air has been forecast for the last week. Luckily the snow line was higher than foretold and the potatoes (here at least) and other delicates have been saved. I took the precaution of brining plants in and wrapping others in fleece.

This is veryy unusual for Italy - a once in 20-year event, say the forecasters. The snow on Mt Falterona at over 1600m is spectacular with the greens of spring in front. Luckily the extensive high-top beech forests are not yet in leaf. Clever old nature, eh, it knows a thing or two.

The pass to Florence at 1000m is open and with no snow.

A squirrel came by through the broadbeans and then by one of the terraces. Rare I get a photo of them as they are so flighty. (extra)

On wildlife matters, our guests saw four wild boar and about twenty boarlets on Saturday. We saw a few of them as we drove into Fiesole yesterday, the little ones looking vulnerable and cold in the pounding rain.

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