Taking your hands off the cake

So I’ll use my mouth!

We managed to stay in bed until gone 8:30 today. We had the tinkers in our bed with us but they were happy to watch stuff on the iPads and let mummy and daddy snuggle under the duvet - sounds idyllic but with Wom in the middle of the bed and munchie at the bottom it wasn’t the most relaxed affair!

Headed to the bluebell wood walk. Last year the sun was blazing - not as warm today but still lovely. We managed to find the stepping stones which the children loved. Had cobs and chips for lunch followed by cake.

Two very tired tinkers so dens made- they somehow managed to take over the whole of the floor space with their dens.

We’ve done reading and spellings, we have showered and put everything ready for tomorrow

It’s felt like a Sunday all day

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