Mono Monday : : Rooftops

It took me awhile to set up my new camera, this morning especially as getting the strap attached was somewhat akin to putting a round peg in a square hole, but when I finally finished I decided to take a couple of shots out the kitchen. this is my camera with the longest telephoto lens and I was surprised to see how clear the shots were of the houses across the creek and a couple of miles away in the foothills . since it has been a gloomy day mono seemed quite appropriate both for the shot and today's challenge. Here is a link to one I took a few years ago. Here is a picture I took of the same scene a few years ago. 

Coffee with Larry, the retired high school teacher, Bob, the retired psychiatrist (I'm pretty sure he would say one is never retired from psychiatry) and OilMan who joined us at Trail House after Pilates class. Our wide ranging discussions of  Jesus Christ Superstar and Hair led to slightly more serious topics such as Zionism, (you can be anti-Zionist without being anti-semitic),  Christianity (was that a true story?), political correctness (has it gone too far or have we been too slow to recognize the need for it?) and how to ask a rude and recalcitrant neighbor to cut down a dead tree. Bob told a funny story involving the use of psychedelic mushrooms and traveling with Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters. Without resolving anything we eventually  adjourned until Friday. 

Back at the homestead, the only thing I did besides read the New Yorker was put the limoncello in some bottles I've been saving on the windowsill for several years. I had no idea they would become receptacles for limoncello and they still may not if we don't like it. It will be put to the test I a few minutes when I take it out of the freezer and we have a taste. Or maybe we'll wait a few days for the sun to come out....

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