world in a grain of sand

By kateann

gumdrops, but not as we know them

Sorry about the blip absence recently.
My daughter's home from Berlin and we have just spent a hilarious half hour or so making these gumdrop sculptures. Based on a Martha Stewart idea that we were never going to live up to, we now have the problem of what to do with them! We've decided that if they last, we'll take them to a family gathering on Saturday next. They don't seem very suitable for children with those sharp cocktail sticks in them...
I'm having a lovely run up to Christmas. The Council have kindly given us Christmas Eve off, and I honestly can't remember when I last had such a long time off before Christmas. As the preparations are so enjoyable, it's probably better than having time off after the event.
Today, M and I went in to Oxford for the last few things, and were able to enjoy coffee in the Covered Market as part of the trip instead of rushing round madly. The Covered Market is especially lovely at this time of year - though not for the squeamish, lots of game hanging up outside the butcher.
In case I don't get back here (though I'll try) have a fabulous Christmas.

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