Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa


He was so excited to go swimming with uncle stewart and auntie emily. Ruaraidh also joined us and was a great help keeping an eye on euan!Perth pool provided him with an hour and a half of swimming entertainment, including slides, big floats, waterfalls and rapids. His first slide down the kids slide involved him going too fast and falling back and banging his head. A quick cry and mummys kiss better and off he was up it again! No fear! Later a bang on the chin and the same again, he was fine. Rhona was good too. Watched everything that was going on and did 5 understeer swims easily. She really is coming on with her swimming and loved it today.both were exhausted by the end.

Curry for tea at Gr'untie Sheilas and will be a reasonably early night before the yearly family Christmas Shopping Expedition tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

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