Inset Day

Today is an INSET and it's a shame because all our usual friends are now in different colleges and weren't around to meet up. Still, we managed to do a supermarket shop, bought some new trainers and popped out for a nice walk.

I think I've hit a blipfoto milestone today. Its saying 4 years. I've been a blipper for longer but took a break for a while when I needed all the headspace I could get.

Blipfoto is a brilliant place in cyberspace. I've met some lovely people and blipping at first was a struggle to keep up with. After a while it became somewhat addictive but now I feel settled into the rhythm of just recording my daily life with one photo, bobbing into other journals to comment when I can and blipping is just part of my day without really thinking now.

I wish I hadn't stopped for that break, but I'm not hung up on regret, and here I am at 4 years with plenty of friends I've made along the way. 

Today's photo is a water wheel from our walk this afternoon and the extra is a very early morning shot of a shopping centre before it opens. It was weird being there without anyone around!

I intend to keep on blipping and send thanks to those who admin the site and kept blipfoto going when times were tough. You are all appreciated.

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