5 days decorating

After 5 days of solid decorating we are beginning to see the wood for the the trees.  Not only have we been decorating the hall but also the new bookcases which have required priming, and undercoating before the final two top coats.  We have not yet started the last two coats.  There are 50 cubes of book cases and it takes a lot of patience - and I don't have much of that.  Still, I have painted 11 sides of doors this morning and am now waiting for it all to dry.  We are getting there and hope to be able to have the carpet fitted some time next week.  The bathroom has been used as a utility room for cleaning the brushes and will need a thorough clean before some friends arrive for a short visit in a couple of weeks.

Popped out into the garden and spotted this flower among lots of others.  It was my first venture outside for several days.

My apologies for not commenting of late on your lovely photographs as much as I would wish.  This is the first time in a while that I have not had to rely on a photo taken on my phone.  It will be good when we can get back to photography again.

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