A symbol of my day. During my morning walk this snail laid in my way so I had to stop and take a photo of it. There is a saying: a photo arrives like a snail and disappears like a lightning. This one was pretty slow so maybe it's not a good photo. It looks like it's in the middle of a yoga session doing a "baby cobra".
During the afternoon and evening I've been "working" at the theatre. The hospital administration has rented the theatre for two days to give its personel a bit of encouragement presenting a lot of positive figures, feeding them nice snacks and giving them an hour of entertainment by a standup comedian. All very good, I'm sure they're well worth it but for me, it's pretty slow since my job is only to make the audience feel welcome and find their way around the theatre. When that's done I just have to wait for it to to finish. And do it again tomorrow. Nice job but only creative for a while.
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