
By Debs_thats_me

Wild Wednesday - weed or salad ingredient?

Dandelions. Official name: Taraxacum officinale or in some places "Lions tooth". 

Here in New Zealand, dandelions are considered a weed but after reading an article I just read, I may just change my mind! 
Did you know?!? Dandelions are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. One cup of raw dandelions greens contain 112% of the daily recommended dosage of Vitamin A and 535% of Vitamin K. I kid you not! Better for you than spinach! ;-)

On another note, a huge thank you for all of the views, comments, hearts and stars for my 10 blipfoto entries - these are much appreciated! :-D

My first attempt at Wild Wednesday - thank you to Cailleach for hosting! 

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